Isolated Swarm

Isolated Swarm

Saturday 20 December 2014

Little update...

So I've been useless at staying up to date with the blog. I'm not very good at staying on top of a twitter account, artist website, blog and actually making artwork that I'm blogging and tweeting about!

Anyway, you can check out the last few remaining days of 2 shows I'm in: Box wonders at No Format Gallery in Woolwich, London and the open at 44AD Gallery, Bath.

And today was the last day to have checked out my work at the Pound Arts Centre, Corsham. But if you missed don't worry as it's touring and going to Trowbridge Arts Centre next month!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Out of the box show in London!

Out of the box !

Back in May I took part in a show as part of the Bath Fringe Festival. The curator, Tom Buchanan, has just emailed me asking me to create some new work for his show in London in November! Exciting times!

Thursday 28 August 2014

You can get involved in the Nostalgia Project too!

So the Nostalgia Project that I have been harping on about for ages is almost upon us and we want public involvement!

We want you to join in with what you think nostalgia is or what makes you nostalgic. So join in via Instagram by tagging @thenostalgiaproject #nostalgiaproject

You can also follow us on twitter @NostalgiaProjec

Get posting! All images will be part of a slideshow during the show. Check out the programme of events and dates: Bristol Biennial



Yesterday I spent the afternoon experimenting with layouts and placings of hornets for my new piece being shown as part of the Bristol Biennial show- The Nostalgia Project.

All the hornets are placed on/in/around dolls house furniture as if invading, living or hiding in the pieces. And each piece is individually framed with old style kitsch frames sourced and found from various places.

This is how I played and created as a child- making imaginative homes and worlds for animals/insects/found objects or anything I could find to transform in some way.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Cast shoes

Cast shoes

These are casts of my daughters first pair of shoes. I have cast them in latex (after much experimentation with an array of materials) which I feel gives them a soft, delicate and fragile look. All work towards to Nostalgia Project in September in Bristol.
This are to be hung inside a glass jar- so updated photos to follow!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Hair lockets

Hair lockets

This week I've started working with human hair- creating locks of real hair tied with silk ribbon and pinned delicately to wood.

I love the symbolism linked to locks of hair; throughout history they have held sentimental, religious and superstitious roles.
My grandmother gave my grandfather a lock of hair before he went away with the navy and I just love the sentimentality of him carrying it with him to remind him of her whilst they were apart.

Nostalgia Project

Nostalgia Project

So I've been working on my own little cabinet of nostalgia last week using objects that I have collected/ found/ accumulated over the years. Each are really personal to me in some way- a recollection, memory or momento of an event (big or small). From my grandmother's prize thimble, daughter's shoe, childhood book pages to a badge from a gig.

This is all prep for The Nostalgia Project exhibition coming up in September in Bristol ( where I will be exhibiting with artists Charlie Cousins and Trev Smith.